
Extractor Ventilation Exhaust Fan Installation Method Statement

Extractor Ventilation Exhaust Fan Installation Method Statement

This method statement covers the procedure or sequence of installation of Ventilation & Exhaust Fans in different areas and for different types of fans. The procedure is applicable for any kind of HVAC project. Overall project manager and project mechanical engineer are


Method Statement for HVAC Air Balancing and Air Flow Measurement

Method Statement for HVAC Air Balancing and Air Flow Measurement

Table of Content 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PREREQUISITES TO PROCEDURE 2.1 Access / Egress 2.2 Responsibilities / Supervision 2.3 Requirements 2.4 Personal Protective Equipment 3. DESIGN PERAMETERS 3.1 Specification Reference 3.2 Drawing Reference 4. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 4.1 Relevant Commissioning Codes 5. PRE-COMMISSIONING /


Fan Coil FCU Unit Installation Method Statement

Fan Coil FCU Unit Installation Method Statement

Below is a precise method statement for fan coil unit FCU installation for any kind of project. Project manager is overall responsible for the implementation of this method and all applicable standards, specifications and manufacturer instructions for the FCU installation. Site engineer/


Water Heater Installation | Geyser Installation Method Statement

This page gives a brief method statement for water heater installation or geyser installation in compliance with the approved design, drawings, approved material submittals and project specification. Prior to installation of Water Heater, the supervisor and foreman will verify and ensure that


Method Statement for 1” Fire Hose Reel System and 1 ½” Fire Hose System Installation

Method Statement for 1” Fire Hose Reel System and 1 ½” Fire Hose System Installation

This method statement covers installation and inspection of 1” Fire Hose Reel System and 1 ½” Fire Hose System which is part of overall firefighting system. Purpose of this method of statement is to define the method of installation and inspection of


Wave Propagation Pile Testing Types and Methods

In the 1950’s, E.A. Smith of  the Raymond Pile Driving Company studied wave propagation on slender rods, and developed a numerical analysis method to predict the capacity versus blow count relationship and investigate pile driving stresses. The model mathematically represents the hammer


Toolbox Talk Topics for 19 Activities

toolbox talk topics for construction project safety talks

Below we have listed 19 toolbox talk topics with briefing which should take place during the daily safety meeting. Below is table of content which is covered in this post about the safety meeting topics. Sun Safety Work at height Mobile scaffolds

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