Chemical Flushing for Chilled Water System

Below is a detailed chilled water pipe flushing procedure that covers cleaning, flushing and chemical treatment requirements for an existing or new project. Flushing of chilled water system shall be done as per the guidelines and requirements mentioned in the project specifications and relevant drawings etc. Also instructions given from the chemical manufacturer and suppliers… Read More »

Introduction to Excavation and Use of Heavy Equipment for Basement Construction

In general, excavation means to loosen and take out materials leaving space above or below ground. Sometimes in civil engineering term earthwork is used which include backfilling with new or original materials to voids, spreading and levelling over an area. British Standard CP6031 gives standards and recommendation to earthworks covering embarkment and cuttings, levelling and… Read More »

Method Statement for Stormwater Drainage

Below is precise method statement for drainage works covering sanitary, vent and stormwater pipes. Stormwater drainage is an important system for any kind of construction project. This plumbing method statement covers the installation of sanitary, vent and stormwater drainage piping system. The purpose of stormwater drainage installation procedure is to ensure that drainage and vent… Read More »

Copper Pipe Installation Method of Statement for Water Supply

Below plumbing method statement describes the procedure for the installation of copper pipe for domestic water services (hot & cold) inside buildings for any kind of the building construction project. Overall project manager is responsible for the implementation of this copper pipe installation method statement. By following this MOS project team will ensure that plumbing installation… Read More »

Electrical Switchgear Installation Method Statement for 11KV HV Panel

Below is a precise method of statement for electrical works, that explains and covers the installation & inspection of 11KV switchgear panels on already approved and ready base/plinth. Switchgear installation shall be done in compliance with the project electrical specifications and switchgear manufacturer instructions. Other documents, codes and references are given below that must be… Read More »

MCC, ACB and Control Panels Installation Method Statement

This document describes the methodology for installation of MCC, ACB and control panels in any kind of the project, also to ensure that all concerned persons are familiar with the sequence of activities, utilization of resources. By following this electrical method statement workers shall ensure the execution of the electrical works in compliance with applicable… Read More »

method statement for drainage pipe installation

The purpose of this plumbing method statement is to define the task and introduce correct practices in order to ensure that the drainage piping job execution will meet the project requirements under the safe system of work. Procedure covers both metallic and non metallic drainage piping installations. Before starting the drainage installation work arrange necessary… Read More »

Haul Truck / Dump Truck Safety, Loading and Dumping Procedure

The purpose of this construction safety procedure is to provide safe operating instructions for haul truck and dump truck operators working on any kind of projects including building and road construction machinery. This Instruction applies to projects and offices where a company operates and areas where haul trucks are in use. Project manager and project… Read More »