
Gypsum Board Ceiling Method Statement

Gypsum Board Ceiling installation Method Statement

This method statement describes the method of installation of suspended gypsum board ceiling and tile ceiling in any kind of project or building. Project manager of the false ceiling subcontractor is overall responsible for the implementation of this method statement and ensure


Method Statement for Manhole Construction

Method Statement for Manhole Construction Method of statement

The purpose of this method statement is to define the procedure for the construction of manhole in accordance with the requirements specified in the relevant project specifications and drawings. This method statement should be implemented in conjunction with MEP method statement for


Condensate Drain Piping Installation and Testing Method Statement

Installation procedure for Condensate Drain pipes inside the building (uPVC Class E)

This method statement is applicable for Installation, testing  & insulation of condensate drain piping and its accessories. The scope of work covers all areas where applicable inside the buildings from hvac equipment’s and in the roof areas as applicable. Drain piping installation


Method Statement for 1” Fire Hose Reel System and 1 ½” Fire Hose System Installation

Method Statement for 1” Fire Hose Reel System and 1 ½” Fire Hose System Installation

This method statement covers installation and inspection of 1” Fire Hose Reel System and 1 ½” Fire Hose System which is part of overall firefighting system. Purpose of this method of statement is to define the method of installation and inspection of


Wave Propagation Pile Testing Types and Methods

In the 1950’s, E.A. Smith of  the Raymond Pile Driving Company studied wave propagation on slender rods, and developed a numerical analysis method to predict the capacity versus blow count relationship and investigate pile driving stresses. The model mathematically represents the hammer

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