Construction Project Site Clearance Method

By | May 25, 2022

The purpose of this method is to give guidance for the clearing operation for all site areas where clearing is required.

Instruction applies to all areas and is not limited to clearing for dump areas, haul roads and pits. This safework instruction takes into account all aspects of this activity including operation, production, safety, environment and quality.

Project manager is overall responsible for the implementation of this site clearance method.

Preliminary Activities

a) The survey plan should designate the clearing limits.

b) The survey plan should designate where and how cleared material should be stockpiled or disposed.

c) Prior to major clearing, the required erosion and sedimentation plan must be established and operated

d) No clearing should be conducted at night even with artificial lighting or in rain and foggy conditions

e) No clearing should commence without a permit is required under local legislation.

Survey and Setting Out

a) Pegs should be placed or ribbon tied to trees on the defined clearing limit or at a defined offset.

b) The pegs or ribbon should be of sufficient height to allow easy sighting in the uncleared area. If necessary ribbon or paint should be used on the peg to aid visibility.

c) When walking through uncleared areas the following rules should be followed :

i. Never travel alone

ii. Wear long trousers

iii. Take sufficient water for the duration

iv. Ensure somebody knows where you are and how long you will be thereConstruction Project Site Clearance Method

v. Carry hand held radios

vi. Carry a first aid kit

vii. Wear High Visible Vests.

d) The information following should be recorded on all survey pegs where applicable:

i. Chainage / point numbers

ii. Offset

e) The accuracy of the pegs only needs to be +/- 1000 mm

Site Clearing Procedure

Clearing By Hand

a) If very large trees (Above 300mm) need to be cleared it is preferable to first fell trees using chainsaw crews

b) Once felled the trunks and limbs should be cut into manageable sections. Timber lengths should be restricted to 2000 mm

c) Chainsaw crews should be well separated to eliminate one crew’s activities endangering another crew

d) Heavy work activities should be spread around the crew in order to minimize fatigue and manual handling injuries

e) When working in uncleared areas the following rules should be followed :

i. Never travel alone

ii. Wear long trousers

iii. Take sufficient water for the duration

iv. Ensure somebody knows you are and how long you’ll be there

v. Carry hand held radios

vi. Carry a first aid kit

vii. Wear High Visible Vests.

f) Clearing should be limited to the designated limits taking careful note of the offsets on the pegs.

g) Check tree and wind direction; don’t cut the tree when oblique toward the worker/operator or wind direction toward the worker/operator.

h) Clear trees from vines and ensure no vines encircle another tree prior to cutting

i) Do not cut rotten trees.

j) Ensure other workers are standing at a safe distance when cutting trees.

k) Do not cut the tree whilst raining or in strong wind.

l) Do not cut the trees in swamp areas.

m) Ensure the chain saw helper is standing behind the chain saw operator whilst cutting.

Clearing with Dozers

a) When clearing with dozers special care must be taken on steep slopes. Where possible, suitably experienced operators should be utilized. If this is not possible, sufficient supervision should be made available.

b) Dust generation is to be kept to a minimum. This may involve restrictions on machinery movement during dry and windy conditions.

c) Dozers to be used for clearing activity should be equipped with special protection to its components from damage by clearing activity.

d) Method of material dozing should be suited with the kind and position of material to be cleared.

e) Where working near a cliff face (drop off) a bund 10 meters from the face is to be installed before a Dozer commences clearing operations.

f) Check tree and wind direction, don’t push the tree when oblique toward the dozer or wind direction is toward the dozer.

g) Clean trees from large vines and ensure no vines encircle another tree before pushing by dozer

Disposal of Cleared Material

Disposal of Cleared Material by Stockpiling: When pushing the cleared material to stockpile, it is important to minimize the disturbance to the topsoil

Disposal of Cleared Material by Removal

a) The movement of cleared material should be minimized as much as possible.

b) Adequate access needs to be maintained at all times.

c) The superintendent should decide what type and size of equipment would be used (normally excavator and trucks).

d) If timber pieces are too large to comfortably fit into the trucks available, the timber should be cut into smaller sections.

e) The cleared material should be disposed of in a location and a manner that has been previously agreed with the relevant persons (client, landowner etc.)