Gl Conduits & Accessories Installation for Electrical and ELV Services

This  electrical method statement covers the nature and type of work for the Gl Conduits & Accessories installation for the following systems as applicable on the projects.

  • Lighting Control
  • Small Power
  • Data & Voice (telephones)
  • Security
  • Access Control
  • Electrics to Mechanical Services
  • BMS/Automatic Control

Roles & Responsibilities

Project Manager have full authority and overall responsibility to manage, supervise, control the works and have direct responsibility for ensuring safe working practices and compliance with regulatory authorities’ requirements, co-ordinate with engineers for execution of the Contract Scope of Works. He is also responsible to implement the project quality management systems to the satisfaction of the project requirements. Review changes and Variations to evaluate impact of those on time and schedule.

Project Electrical Engineer is responsible for ensuring that all works are carried out as per the specifications, approved shop drawings and method statement as per the manufacturer instructions and coordinated with other MEP and civil works.

Supervisors & Foremen

The project team of experienced Supervisors and Foremen shall ensure the quality of the installation work carried out, and shall also ensure that it is as per the latest approved shop drawing issued for installation and according to instructions received from the Site Engineer.

Provide their subordinates (charge hand and skilled labors) adequate information to carry out their duties.

Ensure that he has adequate resources of machinery, labor and materials to carry out all the activities efficiently and to discuss with the Site Engineer.

Ensure safe and clean working environment to enforce a safe working habit.

The implementation of the procedures mentioned in method statement will be carried out by site Supervisor.

Necessary Tools & Equipment

  • Power saw
  • Jig saw
  • Hand tool set
  • Manual Bending machine
  • Manual threading machine
  • Drilling Machine
  • Hammer
  • Sprit Level
  • Leveling Instrument
  • Fixing tools
  • Mobile Scaffolding

All Instruments shall be checked and calibrated to ensure accuracy before using at site.

All documentary requirements for this purpose shall be submitted for approval and this shall include Manufacturers data, certificate of compliance, brand designation, type and class including samples.

All materials  intended for GI Conduits & Accessories shall be submitted for approval of the Consulting Engineers as specified in the contract specifications.

Materials sample will be provided if requested by the Consulting Engineers.

Procurement Storage and Handling of Materials

After the approval of Material’s Submittal, the approved materials shall be procured in accordance with the schedule requirement for installation. This material will be subjected to receiving inspection by discipline engineers to provide confidence that quality of materials delivered to site are in accordance with the Project Specification & consultant/client comments on the material submittal (if any).

Upon delivery of materials, the storekeeper, together with QA/QC engineer shall inspect the deliveries to verify conformity with the contract and purchase order requirements and Project Specification. Upon successful inspection, Material Inspection Request to be forwarded to quality engineer and Consulting Engineer along with stamped delivery note and supporting documents attached. Any rejected material delivered shall be immediately removed and replaced in order not to alter progress schedules.Gl Conduits & Accessories Installation for Electrical and ELV Services

Storage of materials shall be as per manufacturer’s safety data sheet recommendation and project requirement. Extreme care in handling should be exercised in handling of the Gl Conduits & Accessories materials. Also, Manufacturer Recommendation for lifting and shifting will be taken in consideration.

All Gl Conduits & Accessories materials shall be free of rust patches or other defects on delivery and protected from mechanical damage and weather affects when stored on site.

Sequence of Work for GI Conduit Installation Works

Start of electrical system installation shall be done in accordance with approved shop drawings and properly coordinated with main contractor for the exact locations and levels.

The mark on site to be carried out prior to commencement of installation works.

Plan ahead and ensure all containment to be accessible for future maintenance purpose.

Shafts/Risers Preparations

In shafts / risers works are carried out over temporary working platforms which are installed at every floor level.

Separate safety / emergency rescue plan with procedures must be followed.

Site Supervisor/ Safety Supervisor to check proper lighting and ventilation availability before starting of any works.

Ladders / scaffoldings to be secured firmly over the working platform and inspected and (Red/Green) tagged “Safe” by competent person, prior to start of work.

Site Supervisors to keep check of working technicians in risers in regular intervals.

GI Conduit Installation Work

Ensure the sleeves and box outs are as per approved shop drawings and specification, during the construction of structural elements.

Approved make Gl Conduits & Accessories will be used. All sets and bends in conduit runs will be formed on site using bending machines. Manufactured bends shall not be permitted.

Set out the level and location of junction boxes as per benchmark lines and levels already provided by surveyor, approved shop drawing and material submittals. IP Rating to be considered if installation done in “wet” areas.

Ensure that all the boxes and conduits are installed in level and  rigidly supported by fisher screw and “U” clamp or saddles along with slab, columns and walls. All boxes and conduits to be accessible for maintenance purposes.

Provide pull boxes for the easy wire pulling, and distance shall be maintained for pull box location as per specifications. Make sure pull boxes are identified in approved shop drawings.

Height  shall be maintained from the finish floor levels for the boxes as per Specifications and approved shop drawings.

Apply the concrete plaster around the box and allow the plaster to harden before conduit connection starts.

Protection of boxes shall be made  by a piece of polystyrene (“thermopol”) inside the boxes having exactly the size of boxes and projecting out of the box. Length of the projection shall be maintained equal to the level of finishing wall surface.

Ensure the location and quantities of boxes are as per approved shop drawings.

Make sure that the boxes are not located at more than 15mm depth with respect to finish wall surface.

Boxes shall not be installed back to back in walls.

Position recessed outlet boxes accurately to allow for surface finish thickness.

In case of gypsum boards, expansion bolts (“unifix” butterfly type) will be drilled and approved fixation materials (saddles & clamps) for conduits to be secured on these bolts.

Conduits routing shall be as per approved shop drawings and coordinated to other services and coordinated with Architect/Structural Layout drawings.

In case the approved routing is not valid, alternative routing will be determined.

Routing will be shifted as coordinated with other services as per site conditions. Installation will commence upon approval of the proposed alternative route.

Approved sleeves shall be provided and interrupt conduits passing through a floor, acoustic wall or fire rated wall. Sleeves shall be sealed with approved materials (rock wool and mastic).

Make sure that all surface mounted conduits shall be truly horizontal, vertical and  parallel to the building lines and conduits outlets shall be temporarily sealed. Before cables are drawn in the conduits seal shall be swabbed out until they are dry and clean.

Surface conduit in rooms housing batteries shall be painted with two coats of anti-sulphuric enamel after installation.

Make sure conduits exposed in public areas will be painted as per Architect approval.

Where conduit runs terminated in cable trunking or in boxes the termination shall be made with flanged coupling.

Conduits will be installed exposed along with slabs, columns and walls in all plant rooms and concealed in block walls.

Install approved fixation materials for Gl Conduits & Accessories as per specification, approved shop drawings and site requirements for each individual case (i.e. on Slab, Wall etc.).

In case of block walls, set out the proper location and conduit routing on the block walls as per Specifications and approved shop drawings.

Cut the block walls with appropriate power tools in the marked area as per approved shop drawing.

Chip the area with chisel, approximately 50mm to accommodate respective conduits to be imbedded.

Cement / mortar bed shall be provided to prepare a smooth and uniform groove in the cut portion of the block.

Fix conduits in between concrete nails in block wall and tie with binding wire rigidly to avoid change in conduit layout. After installation inspection approval, finish with concrete cement, plastered flush with the wall surface.

Conduit boxes shall be installed in the block walls as per Specifications and approved shop drawings.

Ensure the correct level; alignment and the boxes are plumb.

Back boxes shall be confirmed for similarity and or correct level, height with reference to finish floor via reference datum provided by surveyor to avoid reworks at inspection.

Where conduits pass  over expansion  joints of building construction, suitable expansion joints shall be fitted in the conduit run.

Make good any superficial damage to the finish of all conduits, by painting with galvanize paint.

Identification tagging/labeling will be fixed on boxes & conduits as per specifications and approved shop drawings.

Inspection and Testing Procedure

The engineer should verify that the supervisor/foreman with construction responsibilities for installation is familiar with this method statement and is issued with copies of the inspection checklists and test plans.

The engineer should satisfy the procedures provided by QA/QC inspections to ensure the as-installed condition of the Gl Conduits & Accessories installation meets the specified engineering requirements and approved drawings.

As part of the assessment, the QC Inspection Procedures must ensure a quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining the prescribed activities have been accomplished satisfactorily.

The QC inspection personnel, in coordination with Site Supervisor, should verify that the quality of the related Gl Conduits & Accessories installation activities is within the prescribed criteria.

The Supervisor should verify any as-built record of Gl Conduits & Accessories installation, and confirm that the information meets the project requirements.

Quality Control Engineer along with Project Engineer and Site Supervisor will monitor that all components are installed as per contract specifications and approved submittals.

Request for Work Inspection Request (WIR) shall be submitted by Site Engineer to QA/QC Department for verification and inspections.

MEP QA/QC Department will forward WIR to civil QA/QC for inspection and approval in accordance with ITP.

Readable stamped approved drawing to be available during installation and inspection.

All the equipments engaged for testing shall have a valid calibration and certificate should be furnished.

Health and Safety Requirements

A task based risk assessment and mitigation strategy is summarized in the risk assessment table. Work will commence as per safety regulations laid down in the contract specification and project safety plan.

Safety gears shall be used. All personnel protective equipment shall be used as appropriate according to the nature of the job. For electrical works, provide non­ conductive tools and PPE.

Working on live power cables/equipment is not allowed. ELCB shall be used in temporary panel boards; industrial connectors/sockets for temporary power cable connections.

Always maintain cleanliness in work areas. Housekeeping shall be of good standard and all cut pieces and debris shall be removed by the end of workday.

Ensure that all lifting operations are carried out as per approved procedures and safety regulations.

Ensure that adequate barricade and signage “DANGER KEEP-OUT, HEAVY LIFTING IN  PROGRESS” is provided around the affected area. Work will be executed through Permit to Work system.

Scaffoldings shall be checked by competent person and should carry green tags “safe to use”, prior to use for working purpose.

All plant tools tackles will have valid inspection certificate. Lifting machines, appliances and gear to be examined by qualified rigger and come with valid certification.

Workers working at height to wear their full body harness and should be anchored to a rigid point.

Nobody is allowed to stand on the top of the step ladder; worker should stand two rungs below from top of the step ladder. A co-worker must hold the step ladder while in use.

Work inside shafts are not allowed without work permit and supervision. Work areas to be provided with proper lighting and ventilation at all times.

Store tools and equipment and unused materials stacked in a safe area at the end of the workday.

Method statement / risk assessments to be briefed to all concerned personnel and signed as read /understood.

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