Below is a method statement which is helpful for defining the procedure for receiving and inspecting incoming materials on the project construction site including the concrete inspection.

The purpose of this method statement is is to define the procedure for receiving and inspection of purchased materials to the site.

The incoming material inspection method covers:

Delivery of ready mix concrete.

Delivery of construction materials including but not limited to:

  • steel rebar,
  • cement,
  • block works,
  • toilet fixtures,
  • roofing materials and
  • other finishing materials.

Roles and Responsibilities for Incoming Material Inspection

All site personnel shall be responsible for ensuring that materials and equipment are treated according to the requirement of this procedure.

The Project Manager shall have the responsibility for ensuring that storage and handling conform to required standards.

The Quality Control Engineer or his delegate, if applicable, has the direct responsibility and authority for ensuring that storage conditions and material handling practices meet the required standards at all times.

The ITL personnel on site have the responsibility and authority for ensuring that all required inspections and tests under their area of control are carried out in a timely and efficient manner.

Suppliers of materials to the project are responsible for ensuring that the deliveries conform to established requirements and/or specifications, as applicable. Suppliers of ready-mix concrete are particularly responsible for ensuring that all required inspections and tests have been carried out prior to shipment, and the results recorded accordingly.

The Site Safety Officer or his delegate has the direct responsibility and authority for ensuring that storage conditions and material handling practices comply with the requirements of the relevant Safety procedures.

The Site Storekeeper has the direct responsibility and authority for ensuring that storage conditions and materials handling practices meet the required standards at all times.

Mandatory Plant, Equipment, Material

  • Fork lift
  • Tower crane
  • Mobile crane
  • Tele Handler
  • Slings for crane
  • D Shackle with chains
  • Hand gloves

Incoming Material Receiving Inspection Procedure

Preliminary check /inspection at the entrance gate.

Security department shall be responsible to provide access to the delivery vehicles upon proof of order, such a LPO copy, supply agreement or a subcontract agreement.

The representative from the contractor shall verify and identify the material delivery and determine which of the two applicable categories it falls under; ready mix concrete or construction materials.

Ready Mix Concrete Delivery Inspection

The QC inspector shall conduct a preliminary check for completeness of the delivery before signing the ready-mix supplier’s delivery note. He shall further ensure that the batching report has been included.

QC Inspector shall also verify that the following information and documentation has been supplied and/or completed before allowing the Independent Testing Laboratory technicians to carry out their checks:

  • Plant checks by ready-mix supplier
  • Batch time and dispatch time- It should be batch time first, followed by dispatch time.
  • Batch Slump – 200 ± 25mm unless otherwise specified.
  • Temperature – max. 32ºC unless otherwise specified.
  • The signature of the ready mix supplier‘s QC Inspector.
  • The concrete mix class/ mix formula details including water cement ratio.
  • Detail of design components/individual batch report – as per approved trial mix/design mix and relevant specifications.
  • Any other information or data required on the delivery note; i.e., all spaces on the form should have been duly completed.

If there is missing information this can cause rejection of the truck. Rejection is considered as a non-conformance and an NCR shall be immediately raised by the QC Inspector and distributed to the concerned parties for further action.

Once the QC inspector is satisfied that all data written on the delivery note is correct and within the approved limits and in accordance with the specifications, then he shall instruct the ITL technicians to complete their sections of the delivery note.

Following acceptance of the shipment, the ITL technicians shall check and record the following:

  • time of arrival on site,
  • slump
  • temperature
  • Number of cubes taken.

QC Inspector shall witness all testing conducted by ITL technicians

The ITL technician shall be responsible for labeling and uniquely identifying all sample cubes and providing the proper curing for the cubes.

QA/QC has the responsibility and authority to reject any delivery of ready-mix concrete if:

  1. He finds that the data written in the delivery note and batch plant report do not conform to approved design mix and specifications.
  2. The value obtained by ITL technician is not within the limits specified in the approved design mix and specifications.

In case of rejection of a shipment, the materials are rejected and the truck shall be denied entry to site, and shall return to the plant. Rejection is considered as a non-conformance and an NCR shall be immediately raised by the QC Inspector and distributed to the concerned parties for further action.

In case of rejection due to unauthorized change in the design mix components without approval and written notice from management, the ready-mix supplier shall be responsible for any charges and penalties imposed by contractor.

After the satisfaction of QC inspector that the delivery conforms to the above requirements, then he shall allow the truck to enter the site. He shall inform the concerned Project Engineer for proper disposition of ready mix concrete.

Delivery of construction materials

The receiving of other than ready-mix concrete, materials shall be handled according to the requirements of the material handling and preservation procedure.

In addition, the following shall be observed:

The storekeeper shall inform the QA/QC Engineer/Inspector of scheduled material deliveries at least twenty four hours in advance of delivery.

Where required by ITP, the QA/QC Engineer/Inspector shall prepare a material inspection and/or testing request, (MIR) for construction materials to be delivered to site. The MIR with attached material delivery details should be submitted to consultant at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the delivery time.

Security shall be responsible to provide access to the delivery vehicles upon proof of order, such an LPO copy supply agreement or a subcontract agreement.

Storekeeper shall check the completeness and correctness of delivery receipt/note and materials certificates required, record the results on the Material Inspection and Receiving Report (MIR) and then inform the QA/QC Engineer/Inspector for proper checking and unloading.

QA/QC Engineer/Inspector shall check the material delivery and the attached certificates required. If the material delivery conforms to the requirements, specifications and approved material submittals, then the Company QA/QC Engineer/Inspector shall inform the Consultant. The Consultant shall then check the delivery and, if approved, sign the MIR.

The Storekeeper and QA/QC Engineer/Inspector have the responsibility and authority to reject material deliveries if the materials delivered do not conform to the requirements, approved material submittals and specifications. Rejection is considered as a non-conformance and an NCR shall be immediately raised by the QC Inspector and distributed to the concerned parties for further action.

The rejected materials shall be immediately segregated to prevent unauthorized use. If practical, that shall be removed from the site and returned to the supplier.

Storekeeper shall be responsible for providing protection and proper storage for all materials to be used on site. Contractor shall ensure the storage of all incoming materials in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation and current health and safety legislation.


All material should be handled as per the MSDS given for each individual item. Materials like paint, water proofing  materials etc. should be stored in air conditioned and ventilated rooms/areas.

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