Quality Policy Statement

We will provide our customers with the highest quality of products and services to meet their requirements and maintain our position as a leading company in the field of construction.

Through our commitment and compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 QMS, continual improvement, development, quality procedures, client support and increasing investment in people and facilities, our quality objectives will be achieved. Reviews and improvement of the system are part of our strategy.

This will enhance customer satisfaction and pride in our company.

Project Quality Policy Statement

To establish, implement and maintain an efficient and effective quality management system that achieves the quality objectives, meets contractual and project requirements and complies with ISO 9001 quality management system requirements.

To implement by all project personnel and subcontractors the quality management system on all activities and operations that affect the quality of the product and services provided under the contract.

To review and monitor the project quality management system at regular intervals throughout the project execution to improve the system, monitor and correct any adverse trends by taking necessary corrective and preventive action.

Project Quality Objectives

To produce a quality product and ultimately achieve customer and end-user satisfaction. This will be achieved by measuring work trends, non-conformities, customer complaints and commitment.

To achieve the program target for completion by monitoring performance with regard to identified milestones and productivity.

To complete on budgeted cost. Reporting costs against budget to monitor project margins and forecasting total project cost with costs to complete will be the key performance measure with respect  to financial terms.

Objective Statement Target

Year 2020


Internal Non Conformance Open after (30 Days)

≤ 15%

Projects to Achieve as a Minimum the Set Compliance Audit Score for All Audits by end of the year

≥ 85%

Internal Corrective Action Request Open after (30 Days)

≤ 05%

Key Performance Indicators

It is the policy of the company to ensure that regular internal monitoring and measuring of its processes is carried out through the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in order to quantify the attainment of strategic quality objectives.

The Project Director/Manager shall ensure:

that a system of KPIs will be used throughout the Project;

KPI will be selected to provide the best method of indication of the Projects ‘health’ and the attainment of required goals;

KPIs will as a minimum be determined for:

  • Cash Flow
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Major Injuries
  • Reportable Incidents (Health)
  • Reportable Incidents (Environmental)
  • System (Corrective Action, Audit Compliance)
  • Supply Chain

To review Project KPI at least every six (6) months and update if necessary;

if required a Project Key Performance indicator management procedure/s is prepared and implemented on the project or in the office.

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