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Safe Evacuation Procedure in Electrical Emergency Situation

This procedure is designed to carry out a safe evacuation of operatives from electrical emergency situation which may happen during the energization of the switchgear/DB’ s in a construction project.

The special conditions of working on a live system makes it vital that the work should be planned in detail and risk assessments/ JSEA’s made in order to determine appropriate health and safety measures and emergency arrangements.

Follow agreed and set sequence of operations, using Appropriate Isolation Devices and Personnel Protective Equipment in accordance with approved JSEA, so as to complete a job safely and without danger to health or life.

Persons who will work in this Energization Activity must be competent electricians (Preferably Authorized by the Senior Accountable Person ).

It is recommended that employees taken on for such work are over 18 years and preferably under 55 years of age.

Work in confined spaces with electrical hazards must only be undertaken by employees who have been properly trained for that job. Supervisor should conduct tool box talk before work starts.

Training must be planned specifically for:

Safe Energization Activities

Incase of Emergency

Electric Shock Emergency:

Other Emergencies (Electrical Fire, Explosion, Arcing etc.)

Don’t panic or rush

Don’t attempt to take your tools out

If you know; then immediately isolate the Electrical Supply from the main Incomer.

If you don’t; then inform the leader of the Team via Mobile or Walkie Talkie (Radio) at the earliest.

Don’t attempt to save anyone else until you have the confident to do so and you confirmed that you will not be at Risk.

Inform to concern Person & HSE Department. Giving the location and as much detail as possible about the accident.

Basic Training Requirements for Emergency Response Personnel

Understanding the rescue plan (The Location of the Isolating Devices in Each Substation Panels, How it will operate, the egress, etc.) and procedures developed for each Substation.

How to use Communication Media in case of an emergency.

Work location and Assembly Points Location’s

Emergency Contact Names and Numbers.

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