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Grouting Works Method Statement

This method statement describes the procedure and inspection instructions to be followed during the application of grouting works.

Method will ensure that all activities are in fully compliance with specification requirements and as per manufacturer’s standards.

All necessary precautions must be taken for working at height, while using the scaffoldings, ladders and handrails etc. Workers doing the site work must be wearing necessary PPEs.

Foreman coordinates day to day activities of direct labor and responsible for the on-going quality and production at the work place.

QC Inspector will witness all tests performed in his designated area. All such tests should be signed and certified by the individual performing the test. He also performs daily surveillance inspection of workmanship and documentation activities.

Site engineer will provide technical information and oversees the day-to-day activities in field supervision.

Site manager manages and directs project construction activities that are performed by the project team  composed  of personnel assigned by the various functional departments.

QA/QC Manager is responsible for controlling and assuring that the activities related to grouting work are carried out to the project specifications and drawings and in compliance with specific method statement and ITP’s.

Project Manager is overall responsible for all activities and has ultimate responsibility of compliance of work to relevant methodologies, standards, specifications listed, while assuring adequate organization resources.

Work Sequence for Grouting

Surface Preparation: Concrete surfaces should be clean, and free from dust, loose particles, cement laitance, oil, grease or any other contamination.

Mixing: Pre-dose the required volume of clean water into a clean mixing vessel. For a flowable mix use 3.75-4.25 liters of water per 25 Kg bag. Add the powder slowly into the pre-measured clean water and mix mechanically for at least 3 minutes with a slow speed mixer  and until a smooth, uniform consistency is achieved. ( See the material data sheet)

Placing: All bolt voids must be filled with grout material(by starting to place from center), before pouring the rest of the under plate grout to prevent voids being formed. The grout must be poured steadily to reduce the air entrapping. Refer the technical data sheet for details.

Within 15 minutes after mixing, place grout into forms in normal manner to avoid air entrap­ment. Vibrate, pump, or ram grout as necessary to achieve flow or compaction.

Grout must be confined in either the horizontal or vertical direction leaving minimum exposed surface. After grout has achieved final set, remove forms, trim or shape exposed grout shoulders to designed profile.

SikaGrout 212 is an excellent grout for pumping, even at high flow. For pump recommendations, contact technical department. Wet cure for a minimum of 3 days or apply  a curing compound which complies with ASTM C-309  on exposed surfaces.

Curing: Grouts to be kept wet to avoid rapid loss of water. Also be treated with water as  in normal curing practice should be applied as for any other cementitious material.

General Requirements

Clean all equipment and tools with water immediately after use. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.

Formwork fitted around the base to contain grout must be as watertight as is practical, to prevent grout loss.

Product shall be stored in a cool, dry area below 3o degree Celsius.

Casting of concrete should start from the center of tulip plates in order to prevent gaps under plates.

The area should not be cleaned with water, if needed excessive water should be removed.

In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water. For eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes; contact physician immediately. Wash clothing before re-use.

In case of spillage, ventilate area of spill, confine spill, vacuum or scoop into appropriate container.

Dispose of in accordance with current applicable local, state and federal regulations. Uncured material can be removed with water. Cured material can only be removed mechanically.

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