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Safety Statement Occupational Health and Safety OHS Policy & HSE KPI For Construction Company

General Safety Statement

Everyone who comes to work in the morning has the right to go home safely at the end of the duty / shift.

It is essential that the“Walk the Talk” approach be the Primary objective to executing a task successfully.

Don’t Walk By – If it seems unsafe it probably is stop the Activity in doing so you will prevent personal injury or property damage.

Plan, Organize, Lead, and Control

Always lead by example

Good House Keeping: Everything in its place and a place for everything.

Remember don’t give instructions if you don’t know what is required.

Training is essential and good and timely communication is a way of life.

Your actions can save a life be an Ambassador not a passenger of safety.

Sub Contractors are part of the team until the day they leave the project premises.

Near misses are free accidents and damages cost plenty.

If it does not look right or feel right, then it probably isn’t right act don’t talk about it.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility –What can I do about it.

Participating in the Health & Safety Zero Harm Prevention Program is not negotiable it is an essential Commitment.


The following are defined as Environmental Objectives and Targets or HSE KPI set for the project.

Level 1 incidents recorded 0

Level 2 incidents recorded 0

Breaches recorded 0

Environmental incidents Frequency Rate of 0

Compliance with legislative and client requirements

No more than 5 improvements notices by client, local municipality and other enforcement / regulatory bodies

Maintain continuous improvement and minimize environmental incidents and accidents

Maintain ISO 14001 compliance

Achievement of 85% on Environmental audits

Strive to control waste on site by segregating waste and increasing reuse and recycling

Minimize energy consumption through awareness and planning


The following are health and safety objectives and targets set for the project.

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